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Top 4 Cyber Security Details New Employees Should Be Aware Of

With advancements in web technology, hackers have their hands on sophisticated tools that allow them to circumvent organisational cybersecurity. One of the most convenient ways for them to breach an enterprise’s security is through its employees. Statistics reveal that 95% of cybersecurity breaches happen due to human error.

Therefore, it’s important to minimise the likelihood of negligence among employees—especially new ones—by providing them with insights into the company’s cybersecurity methods.

Understanding cybersecurity best practices will reduce the chances of cyber perpetrators getting their hands on valuable company information. Let’s dive in to find out more.

Identification of Suspicious Links or Mails

It’s 2019, but phishing still remains one of the most popular ways for cybercriminals gaining unauthorised access into someone’s computer. Phishing has grown in sophistication over the years, as hackers try to make phishing scams more authentic and realistic.

Phishing is a hacking technique in which a pretender tricks a victim into opening a malicious attachment sent mainly via email or another communication platform. Once the victim clicks on the link, they are redirected to a web page that appears legitimate, but is actually counterfeit. The victim enters their private information, such as a credit card number, which the hacker then uses to fulfil their illicit intentions.  

New employees should be trained to identify malicious links, websites, and especially, their emails; statistics show that 92 percent of malware is still delivered by email. They should never trust a sender’s name, look out for spelling errors, and never respond to the urgency trick.

Moreover, they should be instructed to contact IT administration before performing any additional actions—especially when they receive a mail from unknown sources.  


Using Good Password Practices

Statistics show that 81% of company data breaches happen due to weak passwords. New employees must understand the importance of creating strong, unique passwords for all their accounts. The passwords should not include guessable words and consist of a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

New employees might not realise the importance of keeping a secure password. There are chances that they might write it down on their notepads in order to avoid forgetting it later or perhaps use the same password for every account, which can also amplify the risk of a data breach.

Therefore, it’s crucial that they’re provided with proper training on how to set up strong passwords for different devices and other dos and don’ts related to password creating, sharing, and storing to minimise the likelihood of any unfortunate event taking place.

Keeping a Clean Desktop and Mobile Device

It’s critical that your employees keep their digital devices clean and secure. This includes keeping a clutter-free desktop, avoiding duplication of files, and emptying their digital recycle bin on a regular basis. IT departments should communicate best practices of managing devices to new employees.

Furthermore, employees should turn on automatic software updates on all their internet-connected devices. Employees who bring their own device should strategise with the IT administrator to secure their device by installing antivirus software and by following other security protocols.

Reporting Cyber Threats 

A timely report from employees of a suspicious link, malware, or any sort of cyberattack can potentially save your business from a big loss. Therefore, it’s pivotal to devise an effective reporting system related to cyberattacks. Each and every employee needs to learn about how to report cyberattacks at the first sign of one.

Along with suspicious links, any sign of adware, malware, or viruses should be immediately reported to the IT department. This will enable them to neutralise the threat and identify its origin, enabling them to take preventative measures to encumber it from recurring.

If you’re looking for a dedicated managed security and IT solutions to safeguard your business against potential cyber attacks, consider hiring the services of Lean Security.

We’re an Australian-based security firm that provides dynamic and effective solutions to our customers including penetration testing services among several others.

We’re a reliable penetration testing provider that offers complete security risk assessment to ensure that every modicum of your business application remains protected.

Contact us by calling +61 (2) 8078 6952 or send us an Email at INFO@LEANSECURITY.COM.AU for more information on cyber security best practices.