There’s a Security Gap within Your Organization: How Can You Fix That?

It’s no secret that the landscape of cyber-security is becoming more complex with every passing moment. In addition to complex security systems and protocols in the market, companies and online retailers also have to contend with the rising threat of cyber-crime.

Enterprises and organizations today have the ability and funds to invest in more secure systems in their web and mobile applications. However, the sophisticated, complex and armed to the teeth, digital bad guys shouldn’t be underestimated.

But what can enterprises do in a shadow economy trading that produces malware software by the billion, and where the lonely hacker has been replaced with an organized crime syndicate? Designing better security systems from the start (especially in mobile and web applications) is the answer, along with the following;

Internal Market of Security

Compliance and security roles are becoming popular amongst people, while the functions are getting the visibility and recognition they deserve. As the owner of a business or manager running the operation, you should highlight to the rest of the company how security teams within (and outside) keep the business safe, compliant and right on track. Your employees should know of the action to take in case of a data breach which is why openly discussing response planning is a good recommendation.

Turn Your Security into All New Code

This step will become all the more important as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow within your organization. Since the Internet has taken responsibility of a huge chunk of everyday office operations, secure connectivity to the internet must be worked upon. This will only happen once enterprises and organizations consider security from the very start of their operation. Consider this: Is it easier to conduct operations on a secure foundation from the start, or build and work on a weak infrastructure?

Automate All Your Information Systems

This can be done once security is added into the business and infrastructure from the beginning of operations. When that is done, you’ll find automating many of the processes has not only been made easy but is the obvious course of action. This will in turn free up your security and compliance team to focus on issues that are really important such as finding anomalies and security vulnerabilities.

Of course, organizations and enterprises can outsource their security needs to third party managed security services such as Lean Security. Click here to learn about other services that we can help with.