Innovative Penetration Testing Services - Lean Security

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4 Types Of Cyber Security Threats

516,380 small Australian businesses fell prey to cyber attacks in 2017. Out of every 4 companies, one suffers a downtime of 25 hours or more due to breach of security. Such cyber security threats are costing $1 billion worth of losses to the economy every year!

These statistics are enough to show the frequency of cyber threat operations happening all over Australia and the magnitude of damage caused by them. Despite this, many players in the business community are unaware of the ways and forms in which cyber threats can appear and harm their systems undetected.

Companies are in grave need of learning and tutoring their employees about the types of cyber threats so that they can be detected in real time and resolved ASAP.

Here are 4 types of cyber threats that you must know.


As the term suggests, it refers to any kind of malicious software that breaches the security network of a system. It can exist in the form of spywares, viruses, ransomware or even worms. The onset of a malware begins when a user unknowingly clicks a link or opens an email attachment that installs dangerous software on the computer.

Once there, a ransomware can disrupt access to key parts of the system network. It can also install more malware to harm the system. Or it could operate as a spyware and send out sensitive information from the hard drive to a remote destination.


Ever came across unexpected mails or messages from a reliable source which doesn’t seem like the usual business? That is a case of phishing.

This cyber threat enables fraudulent communication to send automatically from credible businesses to consumers. The purpose is to steal personal information like identity credentials or credit card details. It’s a very common form of cyber crime which can also install malwares in the victim’s system.


Man-in-the-middle Attack (MitM)

MitM are also called eavesdropping cyber threats that happen when an unauthorized person becomes part of a private transaction between two parties. Once privy to the exchange of information discussed between both parties, the hackers can steal important data.

Hackers can insert themselves between a user’s device and the Wi-Fi network they’re using. Unknowingly the user will release information that can be used by the cyber criminal. The same practice can also be done through a malware which when installed, can eavesdrop on private data.

SQL Injection

A Structured Query Language (SQL) injection is a cyber threat which happens when a perpetrator accesses confidential information by inserting a code into the server. The server is forced to spill information that it otherwise wouldn’t. An SQL injection can be inserted as easily as inputting the code in the search bar.

Want to protect your network system against such cyber threats? You’ve come to the right place!

Lean Security manages security needs of businesses and offers various IT solutions to enterprises. We’re the only professionals who communicate laterally with customers and answer all their security needs.

Our focus is to keep your web applications running without needing to worry about any risks.  From web application penetration, to website security testing and mobile app security, we’ll handle everything cyber for you. If you need us, contact here.